Let’s be clear:  Police have no place in schools.

Unfortunately COVID-19 is not the only threat to students’ well-being.

Police presence in schools has a destructive and grossly disproportionate impact on students of color and students with disabilities.

Black students are 3 times more likely to be arrested at school than white students. Students with disabilities are 3 times more likely to be arrested at school than non-disabled students. Black students with disabilities are 16 times more likely to be arrested at school than white non-disabled students.

Students with disabilities are about 12% of the student population but make up 23% of students arrested at school.

School discipline and rule-breaking should be managed by school counselors who are trained to work with children and shape their behavior positively, not police whose job is to coerce and enforce.

Especially at this moment, public schools must re-allocate funding from police to classrooms, counselors, and meeting the COVID challenge.

Make your voice heard on this critical issue, on the street, on social media, and when you vote!

Here’s something you can do today to fight racism in education

Support the campaign to repeal Prop 209 and restore affirmative action in California!

Take Action Here or Learn More.

Information about police in school

Information about ACA5 and #RepealProp209

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